Would you like to have your business card stand apart from competitors? Foil cards are great if you’re trying to find a one-of-a-kind and professional look card. Leave an enduring perception by selecting dual sided Foil business card to ad additional information. With Foil business cards printing you can even further highlight the most important aspect of your business card to ascertain your card stands out and shines. Besides, You can pick your font, go for a portrait, landscape and square shape cards.
Foil Printing Prerequisites:
If you’ve managed to design Foil card yourself, Take into consideration the following file prerequisites.
The text font size mustn’t be a over 8 points. In addition, Avoid printing small text.
Edge and stroke has to be above 1.5 points.
Graphics and artwork needs to be no less than 300 DPI.
All files needs to be in CMYK color mode.
How It’s Done?
Foil business card printing makes use of heat as well as a solid foil colour to push your design into the cardstock.